Why Join the Union?
The Bakers Union is the oldest trade union in the UK that represents food workers.
We have a proud history of winning for food workers and improving their pay, terms and conditions at work.
We have a number of workplaces where currently we successfully negotiate on behalf of workers. A recent example is the deal we reached with Greggs the Bakers
We need to get at least 50% of the workforce to join the union for the company to agree to negotiate a deal on your behalf. We need you to join and encourage others to join too
Unionised workplaces are better paid workplaces and enjoy much better benefits and health and safety
What we will do for you
Negotiate a deal that increases pay and address Mowi’s double standards that sees them pay workers more in Norway than here in Scotland
Drive up standards and improve health and safety in the plant, making the health, safety and well-being of Mowi workers an urgent priority.
Improve conditions in the plant, including making sure that you get your full quota of legally entitled breaks.
Seek to end discretionary sickness absence policy and ensure all workers are protected when they are sick and have to take time off
Our campaign
We have consistently conducted our recruitment campaign at Rosyth for the past year.
We have been at the gates talking to you and encouraging people to join the union.
We have represented workers in disciplinary hearings at the plant and won for our members.
We have written to the company senior managers in Scotland and to the CEO in Norway
We have raised in the media the need for, and importance of, trade union representation at Mowi
This has been successful up to a point. We have put pressure on the company and membership of the union has soared but we need more people to join. JOIN THE BFAWU TODAY AND HELP US HELP YOU