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Hunger is a Political Choice

Politicians, football clubs, medics, academics, trade unions, mayors, councils and voluntary organisations come together to deliver an urgentletter – and message – to Chancellor Rishi Sunak Liverpool West Derby...

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We have a right to food

Over the last year the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) has been busy continuing our work on the ‘Right to Food’ campaign. An extensive members’ survey conducted...

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BFAWU to recall Conference

Today the Labour Party has made a clear statement of intent in its aspiration to repair its relationship with the bosses but seems to be determined to widen the...

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Hovis Belfast strike update

With the Hovis strike in full swing, the first two days have shown the exceptional comradeship and solidarity that flows through the veins of trade unionists. Both our BFAWU...

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